Updates and Upgrades All Around

It’s been a busy time since Brush Mountain Data Center changed hands earlier this spring.  We’ve been doing a LOT behind the scenes to upgrade and enhance our systems, processes and services; and now the results of all that hard work is about to become more visible!

In parallel to helping a number of new clients move into our Data Center, the facilities have undergone significant audit, inventory and upgrades, and expect that process to continue in the coming months.  Admittedly, one of our most visible changes is here at our website.  We wanted to make this a place where you can get a concise overview of our current capabilities and make it very easy to connect with us.

We hope you’ll find this a useful resource to learn more about what Brush Mountain  Data Center can do to help your organization.

Also, if you are on social media, be sure to follow us on Facebook or Twitter.  We’ll be giving updates on feedback the RBTC Regional Data Center Roundtable meeting, plus we’ll be announcing upcoming Open House tours and other helpful articles, events and resources.

In the meantime, take a look around our new website and let us know: what do you think?  Have we missed anything you’d really like to see?

Parker Pearson
Vice President, Marketing


